Sooooo the second biggest commercial holiday is coming up! You guessed it, Valentine's day! As a teen I understand that the struggle for money is intense, so I've decided to share some of my cute, cheap gifts for past Valentine's. A lot of people equate caring with dollar amounts and that's just plain, WRONG. I have gotten many inexpensive gifts that I've appreciated and given them too. First suggestion, if you have any experience with "Microsoft movie maker" you know that it is super easy to use and if not then there is a link to a tutorial at the bottom of this post. One year I forgot to get a gift so I quickly took every picture I had on my computer of me and my Sugarplum, pulled some cute photos of our favorite movie from Google and a song that we sang to together from Itunes and Voila! Throw in some cute transitions and a sweet message in the end credits like "For my wonderful Valentine" and your set with something thought full and FREE. Another quick computer related gift is making a collage using Power point. I suggest power point because it's easy to move photos, turn em, overlap, increase or decrease size, put it on a pretty colored background or a big picture that you can see under the photos of you and your honey. This next one actually cost money but it's
maybe seven or eight dollars. Cookies! My current Snookums is an Airman for our very own USAF so I got his favorite cookie dough and shaped them into various objects, an airplane (that one was hard, use a cookie cutter if you have it Lol), hearts, one said "AF". You can choose to decorate them with icing or not, they are just as sweet and thoughtful without it. One tried and true gift for me is the Love poem! When in doubt, write it out (lame I know haha) I can't tell you how appreciative my sweetie was when they read all my feelings poured out into a cute poem just for them! If your not the best poet a poem from the internet pasted on a heart shaped piece of construction paper (that you pulled from the art room at school) with "Love you" scrawled along the edges like a boarder is just as sweet. So there you have it, cute, fast and free. Comment and tell me how it goes! ~Katy
If you don't actually want to make one of those videos just ask me! I will design a unique video slideshow with up to 35 of your photos set to music for $5 http://5rr.cc/s/3q6pe3 @FiverrHQ
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